Lender And Broker Service For Asset Based Business Finance
Back in March 2020, the United Kingdom was facing a unique challenge. We were placed into a national lockdown, which meant we couldn’t go to our usual favourite restaurants, there wouldn’t be any family barbecues in the garden, and you were more than likely to begin working from home.
The Recovery Loan Scheme was launched on April 6th, 2021, by the UK government to help support businesses of any size to have access to loans and other financial support.
Invoice Finance allows you to quickly release cash into your business by converting the value of unpaid invoices into ready working capital. This facility can help reduce severe cash flow problems and help manage businesses day to day finances.
Saffron Financial is here to support individuals and small businesses who need additional funding for equipment to support their business functions.
Invoice finance works to provide business owners with a cash injection towards unpaid invoices. Improving a business’s cash flow with invoice finance helps to pay suppliers, employees and other crucial elements faster than if they were to wait for a customer to pay their balance in full.
What is Saffron Asset Finance? James Churchman, Head of Sales for Linear Investments, talked to David Craven, incoming CEO of Saffron Asset Finance to find out more High street banks are known for preferring to fund larger business loans than to facilitate small business loans. This is mostly due to the fact that SME’s tend […]
About The CBILS Scheme The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme [CBILS] provides financial support to smaller businesses [SMEs] across the UK that are losing revenue, and seeing their cash flow disrupted, as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.